The collection of periodicals contains over 4,500 newspapers and magazines published in Brazil, Lithuania, Poland, Canada, USA, Germany, and other countries from the early 19th c. to this day in Lithuanian, Polish, German, Russian, Esperanto, and other languages. There are also a number of individual sets of publications and incomplete sets. The fund was especially enriched in 1990, when ethnographer Pranas Tamošiūnas donated 590 publications to the museum.
The oldest exhibit is a collection of the scientific journal Dziennik Wilenski published in Polish by Vilnius University in 1818. The periodical fund contains a number of newspapers and magazines published in Panevėžys: the third number of the first Lithuanian magazine “Meilės keliais” published in Panevėžys, as well as “Skautų žodis”, “Senolių takais”, “Rinkimų verpetai”, “Mūsų šauklys”, individual numbers of “Panevėžio tiesa” of 1941. The fund contains separate numbers of “Panevėžio garsas” from 1936 to 1939. The museum also houses several numbers of the rare publication “Išlaisvintas Panevėžys” of 1941.
The collection preserves individual numbers of newspapers “Szviesa”, “Varpas”, “Tėvynės sargas”, “Žemaičių ir Lietuvos apžvalga” published in late 19th c. - early 20th c; unique and shapyrographed publications published in Panevėžys, published by various organizations in Panevėžys and the county: “Palaukių savaitraštis” (Nos. 3 and 4 of 1922), non-periodical newspaper “Vytis” of the Panevėžys Vyčiai Society of the Lithuanian Students’ Catholic Youth Union (13 March 1932) and other publications. The collection is supplemented with new publications every year.